Oubangi Hotel i Bangui

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Boulevard du Générale de Gaulle, Bangui, Bimbo, CF Central African Republic
Kontakter telefon: +236 77 35 28 37
Latitude: 4.3648946, Longitude: 18.5944618
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Kommentar 5

  • Dr. Jerald Feinstein

    Dr. Jerald Feinstein


    This is a good hotel for the area - that's the city of Bangui in the Central African Republic overlooking the Oubangui River with a view of the Congo on the opposite shore. Security is average with no internal locks and staff has a master key so be sure to bring a lock

  • Andrea Ghiurghi

    Andrea Ghiurghi


    Quality of rooms varies, but those in the tower overall good and great view from higer floors. Restaurant not recommended

  • Mario Arturo Fernandez Vega

    Mario Arturo Fernandez Vega


    The hotel is old The elevator does not work properly The bed is old and pillows hard. Food is decent and prices are reasonable. They only accept cash Is quiet and has a nice view

  • Marcel Raad

    Marcel Raad


    Not the cleanest the cleaner came in twice in 10 days, bed sheets and pillows are filthy. Water seems to come from the river, when there is water. Elevator iffy worked 3 times in 10 days, room on eleventh floor... staff are absolutely useless and rude as they know that there are no other choices in Bangui... but great view! Definitely DO NOT GO AND SPEND MONEY THERE..

  • Igor Shalbarov

    Igor Shalbarov


    Great views. Air conditioned bar on 2nd floor.

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